Graphic Designer & Illustrator

Halloween Candy

Infographic case study

America’s favorite Halloween candy

Art direction: Lindsey Bailey
Illustrations: Lindsey Bailey, Allie Carl, Brendan Lynch, Annelise Capossela, Aïda Amer, Natalie Peeples, Shoshana Gordon
Data: Instacart


In the spirit of news you can use, I pitched the idea for a periodic table illustrating the U.S.’s favorite candies according to data from Instacart. Each square features a custom illustration and recommended serving size according to the FDA. Once completed, the periodic table was offered to all of our local and national markets during Halloween season.


For art direction, I opted for a flat but realistic vector style. This ensured readability at varying sizes, and it was easy for the other illustrators on the team to implement and match the style. I created an instructions template for the illustrators to follow and included instructions on stroke, color palette and other technical specifications. The candies were divvied up among the illustrators and delivered as native Adobe Illustrator files for composing the final design.


Axios’ data visualizations and infographics are adapted to various sizes using ai2html. This ensures our graphics read well on different devices.